Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kale Chips

Baked Kale – Kale Chips

Have you ever wanted to track your calorie intake, but do not have the time to do all that math and figuring? Well, there is an amazing website called Spark People. At you can pick a goal weight and date and the site will give you detailed guidelines, informative information and amazing software all for FREE! I LOVE Spark People. Currently I am getting back into the groove after having my Ah-Ha moment and realizing I need not only a diet, but a lifestyle change. I love this site because not only is it free, it works and you can choose to build a spark page to become friends with other spark users as support and motivation.

With all of that being said I am overhauling my life and my family's life. I have been introducing and re introducing new foods to everyone in my house. The latest adventures have been Grapefruit, in witch my children loved with a tablespoon of sugar on top. I also made Kale Chips. I have never eaten Kale in my life so I did not know what to expect when making these. Here is what I did.

Gather One bunch of Kale

Tablespoon of Olive Oil

Sea Salt or Kosher Salt

This is the bunch of Kale to start.

First you will start with pulling apart your kale and ripping the leafy part from the thick stem. Tear or cut the whole bunch into smaller sizes. Rinse and dry the kale very well. If you do not dry the kale well after washing it will take a lot longer to bake.

Rinse and Dry Well.

Pile it all right up and bake.

In a large bowl toss together the Kale, Olive Oil, and Sea Salt together. Preheat your oven to 350*. Grab a large baking sheet and pile the Kale right on that bad boy. Don't worry about it looking over crowded. The Kale with shrivel tremendously while drying out. Set your timer for 10-15 minutes. Make sure to check around 10 minutes to see how it its baking. I cooked mine until it was nice a crispy. I was impatient along with my children to taste this goodness, so we took it out a couple times and picked out the finished bits. Make sure not to over cook or it will result in a not so pleasant taste of burnt greens.

Wha-La! Your Done!

Go ahead step out of the box and try it. Feel free to season with anything not just salt. You could use ranch packets, garlic, curry, onion, salt and vinegar anything really. A bunch of Kale cost me $1.79 so it is very friendly on your wallet to try something new... tastey and healthy.

I would love to hear other healthy snacks that you like to eat. So please leave a comment and share!

Until next time...

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